Ovaj Indijac je zvanično najprivlačniji muškarac sveta

Foto: Instagram/rohit_khandelwal77

Njegovo ime je Rohit Kandeval (27) i u ovom trenutku je najprivlačniji muškarac sveta.

Kandelval je 2016. godine pobedio na izboru za Mistera sveta i od tada se njegov život u potpunosti menja. Rohitu vodeće modne kuće nude serije snimanja, reklame i pojavljivanje na naslovnim stranama časopisa.

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"When your soul touches fire, Nothing burns, nothing scars And nothing hurts. That fire is ignited Every now and then.. unseen, unheard by us Mere Mortals. That Fire is the World, And some dare to Immerse and Evolve. Let that Fire, Burn your Fears Let those Fears take away your Tears Let that Eyes Smile with Glory, Every HERO must have a HEROIC STORY ! I will soon share my story in the best way possible, it's just a beginning always for all of us but who know your first step of story would awake and inspire thousands to Fullfill their Dreams. Now share with me on my email address if you had a Dream and you had successfully be acheiving what you never thought and I will make sure your story motivates many other to change their lives for better and believe in the Power of their Dreams. [email protected] Photographed by : @akashjadhavphotography Outfit by : @raamzofficial

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U duhu Indije i tradicije ove zemlje, Kandelval gleda da svima izađe u susret i uvek bude nasmejan i srećnog lica. Prijatelji za njega kažu da je veoma skroman i vredan momak.

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Spreading smiles one at a time ! With @missworld

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Počeo je karijeru tako što je došao u Mumbaj i dve godine se bavio glumom i modelingom, dok se konačno nije prijavio za izbor za Mistera sveta.

U Indiji je trenutno jedno od najpopularnijih lica koje je u svakom trenutku okruženo obožavateljima.

Prethodni tekstRiblji kari iz Goe
Sledeći tekstIndijski sektor zabave i medija porastao za 10,6%


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